Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Be-all and end-all

No recuerdo qué me preguntaron, pero de repente recuerdo mi respuesta:

"Nunca como a él, nadie como él, jamás; ni antes, ni después. Nadie nunca." 

Mi yo en grave estado de ebriedad a veces se pone muy certera. 

STK: Lily Allen - Who'd have known

The distance from A to where you'd  be...

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Los escalofríos son señal de vida. 

Mi cuerpo se ve invadido por temblores finos de cabo a rabo (tehehe rabo) y la espina dorsal se me encorva llena de electricidad como si fuera yo a desarrollar púas moradas y azules, correspondiendo con la necesidad de mi pecho de ahuecarse para proteger esa área de mi esternón que repentinamente se siente vacía y quemándose como si tuviera una bracita multicolor que debo proteger a toda costa.

La maravilla, que le llaman. 

STK: Storm - Godspeed You! Black Emperor

I feel as if I just woke up.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Places look the same, we are the only difference

You are still in my blood.

There, I said it. 

Se requiere de valor para tomar ciertas decisiones, hacer movimientos atrevidos sin saber qué será de ello y afrontar las consecuencias para las cuales por lo general no vas protegido. Y así, sin más; tomé una decisión y estoy viviendo las primeras agridulces consecuencias de mis actos. 

Ya lo dije una vez, hay veces que hay que ser el malo de la película de alguien más y no queda mas que enderezarse y aceptar el golpe. Otras veces las decisiones son políticamente incorrectas o mal vistas por la mayoría pero es la única manera de obtener lo que realmente quieres. Algunas veces requieren regresar los pasos y admitir que te equivocaste.

Cometí muchos errores y pienso arreglarlos. 
Decido ser feliz a pesar de lastimar con ello a personas que no se lo merecen.
Tomo lo que quiero y me preparo para el golpe.

Y llena de moretones me voy a dormir con la sonrisa más honesta que se me ha visto en meses.

STK: Kings of Convenience - Cayman Island 

When I first saw you, 
I knew that you had a flame in your heart

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Regrets pile up sometimes. 

As you try to resolve things around you; it's unavoidable to go back to all the things you've done wrong or fail to acomplish. I keep going back to memories of  things I wish I could change. I keep walking past memory lane and analize the crap out of everything. 

This latest failure to launch gave me a new perspective of things. Mistakes go both ways; yes, but in the end there's a stack of facts that are pile up on my side, and that I must admit reflect perfectly my very common pattern of behavior. 

I do things my way. I choose to be where I am. I chose, I keep on choosing it. 

I'd love to have done a lot of things some other way, but regrets end up being just a few after a close look.

I don't regret you; but I don't regret letting you go. 
I regret him, but also I regret letting him go.

I don't pretend to make any sense. 

STK: Daniel - Elton John 

You could be happy and I won't know.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

De este cuerpo mío que se ha convertido en río...

Hay recuerdos que te llegan de golpe y te tumban.

O es acaso que soy muy buena olvidando las cosas que no quiero pensar; y de repente se me vienen encima como si me sucediesen de nuevo. Hoy te pienso, como hacía años que no lo hacía. más de 6 años de la última vez que te vi y hoy el recuerdo se me sube como muerto. 

Mis arrepentimientos por la vida muchas veces vienen de todo aquello que no hice, de todo lo que no dije, de todo lo que no viví por falta de acción.

Contigo pienso en todo lo que puse en la línea y todo lo que traté de decirte y hacerte saber. Y pues nada, que pasaste de todo. 

Supongo a veces que fuiste todo el karma que le debía a la vida. 

La rubia endemoniada que me tocaba en la vida. 

STK: Bubbly Toes - Jack Johnson

In this blue shade, my tears dry on their own

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"People think they know you. They think they know how you're handling a situation. But the truth is no one knows. No one knows what happens after you leave them, when you're lying in bed or sitting over your breakfast alone and all you want to do is cry or scream. They don't know what's going on inside your head-the mind-numbing cocktail of anger and sadness and guilt. This isn't their fault. They just don't know. And so they pretend and they say you're doing great when you're really not. And this makes everyone feel better. Everybody but you."
― William H. Woodward, Jr.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Nothing else ends

I've got absolutely no sad or angry recollection of you. I've got no angry comments to add. I cherish the time we shared and looking back I guess I can't honestly say I'd give it up. Still is very hard for me to be alright. I miss. 

I'm amiss. 

There's a huge vacant space where everything that was yours was: past, present, future, posibilities and dreams. There will be no new place, no adopting a dog, no shared holidays and a lot of further plans I can't even write down because I feel ashamed of how trite and ridiculous they sound now. 

I keep repeating myself. I can't get around this. I keep writting with a lot of punctuation, trying to be final or to make things sound like a sentence. My sentence. 

Which is stupid, because I am still alive, and the rest of my life has decided to go on without you and might go on without me if I don't run to catch it. In a haste I'm chasing everything and finding that moving on is terribly easy. I hate that; I wish the world would've stopped when we did. But if anything, it has decided to move even faster, and suddenly the rest of my life is shaping itself by it's own and has absolutely nothing to do with anything I've ever dreamed.

And it isn't such a bad thing, is just... Sad.

(I keep using that silly little word, I swear I'm using a synonyms dictionary next time. Or stop writting about being sad) 

STK: Mika - No Happy Ending 

This is the way that we love; 
like it's forever, 
then live the rest of our lives, 
but not together.